Friday, December 21, 2007

getting old..


Although Christmas is just around the corner (actually, its just a few steps), I'm hearing more wedding bells than jingle bells. Not only did I attend wedding dinners attended this month, but also received announcments of marriages.

3 out of the 4 close friends from XMS are married, or soon-to-be. My only consolation is that I will have more money to spend on myself, a longer beauty shelf-life and the right to be wilful and irresponsible with no worries.

What is this about PAP saying Singaporeans are not getting married, or having kids, or getting married later?!

I think there's a trend reversal. Many friends of friends and a few friends are already married with or without kids, or planning at the age of 30 or below.

Good job there at MCYS, Raaho.

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